FROG Format
Every book in our catalog is available in an accessible e-book format called FROG.
Around fifteen built-in reading tools facilitate learning by helping readers more easily decode and understand a text.
Each book includes a variety of options suited to different needs (fonts, highlighted syllables, audio support, definitions, etc.).
Developed in concert with experts in linguistics and cognitive science, our patented format has proven effective, offering users many benefits.

FROG: where it all began
The FROG format (FRee your cOGnition) is based on methods used by speech-language therapists and responds to a growing need among students.
Noticing the scarcity of resources for readers with learning difficulties, the team at MOBiDYS decided to create an interactive e-book that lets readers choose the tools that work best for them.
When the project was launched, young readers served by non-profit associations (APAJH44, APEDYS) tested the books to give their feedback and improve the new format.
Each book in the catalog offers a complete set of reading tools that can be customized to suit readers’ needs.
Fifteen reading tools
Each FROG format book comes with a complete set of reading tools that support three areas of development :

Facilitate decoding
Studies have proven that supporting decoding skills improves fluency among dyslexics and
people with varying degrees of reading difficulty.
To help readers decode texts, we offer three fonts (Arial, Times New Roman, and Opendyslexic), more white space in the text to improve legibility, syllabic color-coding, and the possibility to enlarge or reduce font size.

Improve attention
It is difficult for people with reading disabilities to concentrate, and that makes reading hard.
We offer several solutions: a reading window to highlight the unit of meaning being read, lines of text in alternating colors, a reading ruler to navigate the text and keep their place, and a color inversion option.
These tools all help readers identify linguistic segments.

Increase comprehension
Decoding (the ability to sound out words)—essential in learning to read—is one of the main challenges for dyslexic children, teens, and adults. Voice-based tools help readers identify sounds and link them with syllables, and vice versa.
Audio circumvents the need to decode writing and gives readers direct access to understanding. The FROG format includes other tools that increase comprehension, including definitions to explain difficult vocabulary words, and highlighted units of meaning.